Currency Converter

Convenient. Smart. All-in-one. The world’s best currency conversion app is just one tap away!

Get live currency exchange rates in over 175 countries worldwide

Get at-a-glance current and historic exchange rates

Graphs, Charts, Facts: Get in the know about the currency where you are

Find the nearest bank and get directions to its location



Looking for a powerful, streamlined currency converter? Stay in the know with our user-friendly and convenient foreign exchange app! This all-in-one currency converter is designed with your needs in mind, and tailor-made to make every business trip, city break or family vacation as easy and stress-free as possible. With a range of essential features included, it is the must-have conversion application for wherever in the world you are!

- Instantly convert 150 major world currencies: anytime, anywhere;

- Get live exchange rates and search currency charts for historic highs and lows throughout the year, or track the exchange rate history over a specified period of time;

- Find easy to read visualizations for more than 100 world currencies, as well as information on the currency's history, circulation and anti-fraud security;

- Find the nearest bank branches and banking facilities to you, and get their locations mapped onto your mobile device.

Get one step ahead with this outstanding app, which makes every exchange transaction smooth and fast!



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