Zemlya Geroev
"Zemlya Geroev" (the Land of Heroes) in Kamianets-Podilskyi is one of the most interesting and large scale military-historic festivals on the territory of Eastern Europe. Each year the event gathers thousands of spectators, who are really in love with history, traditions and life of the 17th century. The goal of the festival is to recreate the military culture of those times in accordance with valid written sources.
Around half of thousand of warriors come together in battle near the walls of the ancient castle, just few steps away from amazed spectators. The whole Old Town turns into large stage, where plots from 350 years ago - pompous feasts, military parades, work of handicraft workshops - are reproduced.
Moreover, there are performances of European ethnic music bands, Ukrainian kobza and lyra players in the framework of the festival "Zemlya Geroev", as well as choreographic master-classes, where you may learn medieval dances.