Fresh Business Expo 2018
International Exhibition Center, Kyiv, Brovarsky avenue, 15 (subway station "Livoberezhna")
On December 4th – 6th, the specialized Fair Fresh Business Expo 2018 will be held in the International Exhibition Center. It is the largest and the most prestigious exhibition in the CIS. It was created for professionals in fruit and vegetable business and focuses on production, processing and storage technologies. The exhibition is attended exclusively by professionals representing the entire production chain – from seed suppliers to the representatives of wholesale trade and retail chains.
Fresh Produce Ukraine gives an opportunity to conclude the most important business contracts during the three exhibition days. Late November is the best time of the year, for manufacturers have money and are ready to spend it on new equipment. Moreover, they are free from field work. In turn, traders are prepared to make contracts on pre-New Year deliveries and suppliers offer deals for the new season.
The ninth annual International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine 2018,” will take place within fair’s framework.