The Museum of the Black Sea Navy • Sevastopol (52 km.)
The Museum of the Black Sea Navy
The Museum of the Black Sea Navy • Sevastopol (52 km.)
The Military and Historic Museum of the Black Sea Navy is one of the oldest military and historic museums and is considered to be unique speaking of its significant collection of relicts and exhibits that are connected with the history of the Black Sea Navy. In 1869 the idea of museum's creation came to the participants of the heroic defense of Sevastopol during 1854-1855, who wanted to immortaliz

Chersonesus • Sevastopol (55 km.)
Chersonesus • Sevastopol (55 km.)
This unique monument of antiquity is one of the brightest tourist attractions on the Crimean peninsula. It is recognized as one of Seven Wonders of Ukraine, and it is nominated to be included on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites. Chersonesus is an ancient city, founded over two and a half thousand years ago by Greek colonists. These ancient inhabitants chose a very favorable place to settle:
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