Poltava is one of the best-known Ukrainian cities. It was made famous by its uncommon fate, plethora of historic monuments and important architectural achievements, as well as its amazing natural recourses, and the inexhaustible cordiality of its den

Donetsk is the heart of the Donbas ("Donetsk Basin") industrial region and the center of the country’s coal industry. It is little wonder that to the majority of the city’s visitors who see its earth mounts, Donetsk seems to be the setting for a dist

The small town Sviatohirsk, lying on the picturesque banks of the river Seversky Donets, is one of the most wondrous places of eastern Ukraine. The town attracts tourists with its unusual historical monuments and untamed wilderness. Seeing the town,

Kharkiv is the largest city in eastern Ukraine and the country’s second most populous. It is hard to guess that this city, known for commerce, science and industry, would have much to offer its visitors. But Kharkiv’s economic successes have not come

Dnipropetrovsk is spread across both banks of the great Dnieper River, and is one the most colorful and interesting cities of eastern Ukrainian. In addition to being the largest industrial and economic center, it has the status of being Ukraine’s spa