Wine and Winemaking 2013
Primorskaya St. 6
From February 7 to 9, 2013, two specialized international exhibitions – “Wine and Winemaking” and “High Degree” – will take place on the territory of the Odessa Seaport Exhibition Center. Both events are not only Ukraine’s important exhibition space, where the most active market participants of alcohol industry come together, but also a rallying point of the whole sector.
Exhibitions’ main purpose is to create a positive image of Ukrainian alcohol sector and to improve the culture of wine and strong spirits consumption. The 2013 events will concentrate on presentation of new European trends in design and packing of spirits, trade marketing and wine tourism.
"Salon of Champagnes and Sparkling Wines" and "Salon of Cognac" will be organized within the framework of these exhibitions. Visitors will have an opportunity to taste alcoholic products directly from manufacturer, to learn about peculiarities of their production and about enogastronomic subtleties of consumption, and to buy favorite items.