How to save on vacation in Ukraine • Ukraine (6419 km.)
How to save on vacation in Ukraine
How to save on vacation in Ukraine • Ukraine (6419 km.)
After Euro 2012 Ukraine experienced an increase in the flow of international tourists, and authoritative world tourist guides one by one include the country in the list of the most interesting destinations, referring to it as to the Europe’s last unrevealed mystery. Ukraine’s tourist attractiveness grounds not only on the plenty of historical, architectural and natural attractions, but also on its

Back in the past: Ukraine’s brightest historical festivals
Ukraine is a country with centuries-old history and its residents respect its strong traditions. They yearly organize original historical festivals in different cities. Vivid activities are carried out on the premises of medieval fortresses and castles that have survived on country’s territory, as well as at unique historical and cultural complexes that skillfully recreate life and atmosphere of c

How to keep your money safe during a trip to Ukraine
It is probably the main fear of any traveler to be left without money in a foreign country. Wherever you go and whatever kind of money you use, there is always a chance to lose it in the most inappropriate moment: an ATM or a bank might block your credit card, you might become a victim of a fraud or you might accidentally lose your traveler’s checks. The described scenario is quite probable in Ukr

To Ukraine for Health: country’s top five most popular sanative resorts
Spring is the best time for health improvement, and incredibly rich with unique natural resources Ukraine is an ideal place for this. Its territory houses tens of mineral, mud and climatic resorts with modern sanatoriums that host tourists from all over the world all the year round. We’d like to introduce Ukraine’s top five best-known and most frequently visited balneotherapeutic resorts. Truskave

Tourists will see Crimean Atlantis • Ukraine (6419 km.)
Tourists will see Crimean Atlantis
Tourists will see Crimean Atlantis • Ukraine (6419 km.)
The list of Crimea’s unique treasures is a mosaic of amazing natural, architectural and archeological sightseeing attractions, and very soon a new touristic object will be added to it. From late May to early July, peninsula’s guests will have an opportunity to make an underwater trip to the submerged ancient city of Akra, which is called Crimean Atlantis. Tourists will see the ruins of the ancien

Top-5 spring events in Ukraine • Ukraine (6419 km.)
Top-5 spring events in Ukraine
Top-5 spring events in Ukraine • Ukraine (6419 km.)
Several hundreds of bright events are yearly held in Ukraine. They have varied orientation: picturesque holidays, original parades, theme festivals. We have selected five most interesting events that are not to be missed this spring. Event #1 What: Parade of Tulips, where: Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Crimea, when: March 20 – May 15 The Parade of Tulips is a unique and bright spectacle. Thousands of

Where and how to celebrate Maslenitsa
From March 11 to 17, mass folk festivities, devoted to Maslenitsa (Pancake week), will be held in all Ukrainian cities. It is country’s most picturesque and cheerful holiday, which is traditionally accompanied by songs, dances and large-scale feasts. This vivid one-week holiday is known since pagan times: in old times it symbolized winter send-off and spring welcome. During a week, people said goo
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