Red Square • Chernihiv (230 km.)
Red Square
Red Square • Chernihiv (230 km.)
The spacious Red Square with its inimitably beautiful architectural ensemble, green boulevards and squares is one of the most attractive touristic sights in Chernihiv. It is an administrative and cultural center, the place, where ancient town's heart beats. In Kyivan Rus times, the territory of today's Red Square used to be a part of Chernihiv's trade and handicraft district that was located outsi

Stronghold (Rampart) • Chernihiv (231 km.)
Stronghold (Rampart)
Stronghold (Rampart) • Chernihiv (231 km.)
The Stronghold is Chernihiv's oldest part and its historical heart. The town's history started over thirteen centuries ago, with its appearance on the high hill on the Desna River bank. The Stronghold remained Chernihiv's political, administrative and cultural center for many centuries. Therefore, it's no wonder that old town's main historical and architectural monuments are concentrated in this m

Historical and Cultural Reserve ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’
‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’ is Old Russian literature’s prominent monument that was written in the 12th century and tells about unsuccessful campaign led by Novhorod-Siversky’s Prince Igor Svyatoslavich against Cumans. The campaign started from the Our Savior and Transfiguration Monastery, therefore, it’s no wonder that Ukraine’s only museum, devoted to this Slavic world’s celebrated literary si

The Our Savior and Transfiguration Monastery • Novgorod-Seversky (376 km.)
The Our Savior and Transfiguration Monastery
The Our Savior and Transfiguration Monastery • Novgorod-Seversky (376 km.)
Spread on the high Desna River’s bank, the majestic complex of the Our Savior and Transfiguration Monastery is rightly considered to be old Novhorod-Siversky’s key sight. Founded almost thousand years ago, it is numbers to the oldest and the most beautiful Ukraine’s monasteries. The exact date of the Our Savior and Transfiguration Monastery’s foundation is lost in history. However, according to le

The Assumption Cathedral • Novgorod-Seversky (376 km.)
The Assumption Cathedral
The Assumption Cathedral • Novgorod-Seversky (376 km.)
Proudly standing on the high hill in the town’s historical center, the Assumption of the Holiest Mother of God Cathedral is a truly unique architectural and historical monument. This is the oldest Novhorod-Siversky’s religious building that survived in its original form. The Assumption Cathedral was founded in 1671 on the place where, according to legend, a pagan temple stood in ancient times and

Kamianets-Podilskyi Fortress • Kamianets-Podilskyi (232 km.)
Kamianets-Podilskyi Fortress
Kamianets-Podilskyi Fortress • Kamianets-Podilskyi (232 km.)
Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka called the majestic fortress of Kamianets-Podilskyi flower on stone. This "flower" of striking beauty amazes everyone, who has a chance to see it, for over six centuries. Harmonically inscribed in fabulous landscape and enclosed in the river loop, the medieval fortress is one of the most interesting and beautiful historical monuments that is included in the seven w

Zamkovy Most (Castle Bridge) • Kamianets-Podilskyi (232 km.)
Zamkovy Most (Castle Bridge)
Zamkovy Most (Castle Bridge) • Kamianets-Podilskyi (232 km.)
The massive Zamkovy Most that connects the ancient fortress with the Old Town is one of the most unusual sights of Kamianets-Podilskyi. Its salt is that it is the only bridge in the world, built along the stream canal, not across it - like all other existing highway stream crossings. It stands on the narrow isthmus that divides two banks of the river Smotrich. Moreover, the Zamkovy Most is the old

The Cathedral of the Saint Apostles Peter and Pavel • Kamianets-Podilskyi (232 km.)
The Cathedral of the Saint Apostles Peter and Pavel
The Cathedral of the Saint Apostles Peter and Pavel • Kamianets-Podilskyi (232 km.)
The Cathedral of the Saint Apostles Peter and Pavel is one of the most impressive temples of Kamianets-Podilskyi. Along with the ancient fortress it is one of the most token and attractive sights of the town. The uniqueness of the Peter and Pavel Cathedral complex is not only in the original interweaving of various architectural styles, but in ironic combination of elements of two religious cultur

Pirogov Estate Museum • Vinnytsia (118 km.)
Pirogov Estate Museum
Pirogov Estate Museum • Vinnytsia (118 km.)
The National Nikolai Pirogov Estate Museum, situated in the picturesque park in the outskirts of Vinnytsia, is not just the most interesting town sight, but an important object of the cultural heritage of Ukraine. Nikolai Pirogov is a prominent scientist, talented physician, inventor of anesthesia and field martial surgery, founder of the Red Cross Society and notable public figure. It's hard to o
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